Patent No. US 11,628,334 B2

Patent No. US 11,951,353

92% of people cannot perform (1) body weighted dip!

Body weighted “DIPS” are a compound movement that require you to lift 96% of your body weight.

“DIPS” are the king of upper body compound exercises and are neglected due to the high rate of shoulder injury.

With Tricep-Tore’s Patented Band Supports, “Anyone” weighing up to 300 lbs. can perform

Full Body WeightedDIPS immediately. “Guaranteed”


Tricep-Tore is a revolutionary “Dip Apparatus” Other dip apparatuses are huge, flimsy,

do not fold for storage and will not help with progression for proper dips.

Tricep-Tore’s “Patented Resistance Band” support system uses various weight threshold resistance

bands to support the user’s weight, allowing anyone to gradually increase their dip repetitions.


Hello! My name is Cash Briscoe, and I am the founder of Tricep-Tore. I am an Army Veteran with over 30 years of Engineering experience. Throughout my career, I have excelled in various areas of the military and the engineering industry. My experience has provided me with the necessary skill sets to develop Tricep-Tore and execute our company’s objectives. 

Our mission at Tricep-Tore is to offer the fitness enthusiast, people wanting to get back into fitness, as well as people suffering from shoulder injuries, or leg injuries, the opportunity to perform “Dips” safely, and progressively, to advance their overall physical health. Tricep-Tore will ensure our customer’s expectations are exceeded by offering the highest quality product with premium support.